Web Development

I’m currently taking a web development class. It is so fun. I’m up late at night working on my friend’s, Author Lea Mishell, new website. I’m so addicted to web development that every chance I get at work, I work on it. It’s all I think about.

But the thing that surprises me the most is, the more I work on web development, the more I want to write. This boggles me because I don’t see how the two are connected. I’ve been doing a lot of coding, a lot of reading, and a lot of researching. I’m constantly changing something, viewing it, adjusting it and viewing it again. Sometimes I have to scrap a whole page and start all over but that doesn’t get me down at all. If anything, it excites and motivates me even more.

It’s amazing how some failures tend motivate you while others tend to defeat you.

Sorry so short, life has been a whirlwind and I know I haven’t posted in a while.
Classes end in February 2014 and work should be calming down around the same time.Hoping then I’ll be posting a lot more frequently.

Much love,

It’s My Birthday – July 24, 2013

It’s my birthday! 37 years old! WOW! When I was a child 30 seemed to be old. Now that I’ve surpassed that, no age seems old to me anymore. I still get carded when I go places. People look at me crazy when I say I have a 17 year old. It’s even worse when I’m with my two daughters, 17 and 13, because people assume we are all sisters. It’s fun to see people’s reaction when either of them (both who are taller than me) call out “Mommy” in public and I turn around and answer.

Every year I usually do some type of reflection. The only thing I really have to say this year is live life to the fullest. Enjoy every day as if it’s your last day. Love, Love, and Love. Don’t wait for tomorrow what you can do today. I spent a lot of years not following my heart’s desires because I kept waiting for the “perfect” time or the “perfect situation”. Guess what? The “perfect” time is NOW!!! If you don’t seize it now, the perfect time will never come. It will never be the perfect situation. Life is full of surprises and you never know what’s waiting for you around the corner. It could be good, it could be bad but being afraid to step out there gets you nowhere.

Decide now to be happy and live life!

Have a wonderful day and have some cake – it’s my birthday!

Love you all,

Writing Prompts

I just saw a writing prompt from The Writer and I thought it to be very interesting. I’m sure that one could think of several historical events that they could write about. This could turn in to several individual descriptions.

History repeated

Imagine you could travel back in time to a moment in history: the invasion of Normandy, the flight of Amelia Earhart, the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. Write a description of the environment and capture the tension. Would your presence rewrite history?
(taken from The Writer, http://www.writermag.com/writing-prompts/history-repeated/)

What’s one of your favorite writing prompts?


Haven’t Been Forgotten

I haven’t forgotten about writing. I haven’t forgotten about this blog. But my life has been CRAZY!! I have so many things going on at once that I feel like I’m losing my mind. Today I had three separate conversations and immediately afterwards I couldn’t remember anything they said. One of the conversations was with my daughter and I swore to her that she hadn’t told me something. Her response, “Mom, I just told you two minutes ago!” I think it’s time for a break, from EVERYTHING!!!

Just got back from a family vacation to Wisconsin Dells that wore me out. However, the kids had an awesome time and that’s what matters.

Looking forward to Riviera Maya, Mexico in four weeks. The only excursion I have planned is some service work at one of the schools. Got to get my volunteering in! Other than that it’s a massage and hanging out by the pool with a drink. Leaving everything right here at home…it’ll be here when I return.

I thought that with being so busy I wouldn’t be thinking about writing as much but I think about it a lot. I’m always thinking of new characters and new stories. Now only if I had the time to develop them and get them done on paper. Oh well, only 4 more classes to go and only 6 more months until the opening of the hospital. It’ll all be over soon.

Hopefully it won’t be two and a half months before I post again.


Gatlinburg, TN

I was in Gatlinburg, TN last weekend. We had a 2-bedroom cabin. The most exciting thing this particular trip did for me was get me back to thinking about writing. I have been so busy with a ton of other things that I have put writing on the back burner. There’s school, work, my children, church and my business. I haven’t had any motivation or time to do any writing. But being up in the mountains, it was quiet and peaceful, the urge started to return. I’m sure if I were there for more than 3 days I probably would have gotten some writing done.

It really got me thinking about trying to carve some time in my schedule to go back there alone or somewhere similar for a week just to relax. For me, with relaxation comes creativity. I’ve found that I’ve only been able to do any writing when I’m relaxed. My mind is open and the ideas flow.

Good news is that I am almost done with school so that will be one less thing that gets in my way. This time next year I will be graduating. I’m so excited and I can’t wait because school has definitely taken up a lot of my personal time. Speaking of school, I need to get back to this homework.

Much love,

Las Vegas

Was in Vegas for four days last week. I had an absolutely fantastic time. The best part, I didn’t know what day of the week it was. Now that’s what I call a vacation!!!

It also made me realize how much I loved that feeling and that I want it permanently. Solution – work my butt off to build my business of helping change people’s lives so that I can have the lifestyle that I desire.

It’s not going to be easy though but it will be well worth it. It amazes me how many people complain about their current life but won’t do anything to change it. And when I show them a better way I think FEAR sets in.

If you want better and someone shows you how to get it, why wouldn’t you go for it? I’m so glad that someone showed me, but better yet I’m glad that I wasn’t afraid to step out to get everything that I deserve to have out of life.

It’s been an incredible ride these last two years and I know it will only get better.

Loving My Life,

TGIM!! – Thank God It’s Monday

I absolutely love the last Monday of every month. Our company announces a $69 cruise. It’s like the best thing in the world, at least for those who like to cruise or want to cruise.

No you aren’t on a tug boat behind the ship.
No, you aren’t on the lowest deck of the ship.
No, you aren’t at the worst room on the ship.
No, you don’t have to help wash the dishes.
No, there is no presentation you have to sit through when you get on the ship.

I will take a $69 Bahamas cruise over a $400 one every day.

I’ve been gone for a while because I’ve been traveling a lot. Was in DC last weekend and in Houston this past weekend. Will be in Dayton this weekend coming up.

Then add school on to that and work, don’t have much time for anything else in my schedule.

To be honest, I typed this post on my phone during a training session. Shh, don’t tell anyone.

Okay, got to go already, just wanted to share my cruise excitement!!!


13th Birthday

Today was my baby’s 13th birthday. We don’t usually do parties but 13 is an important milestone so I thought it was necessary to have a party. I allowed her to choose her poison. Her choice…skating party. It was her and 8 of her friends and they had a really good time.
I’m so proud of my baby. She’s in all honors classes and she’s a straight A student.
So Happy Birthday my Sweetie Pie!

Life Interruptions

I absolutely hate the fact that life keeps getting in the way of the things I want to do. It’s been so long since I’ve written anything. Does it bother me? YES! I feel like I have so much going on in my life that it doesn’t leave room to do some of the things I like to do.

I’m wondering if I need to just put any major writing on the back burner until I’m able to get rid of other obligations in my life.
With the hospital opening this year, we’re going to be so busy…starting immediately. I have a to-do list that’s so long and will only grow longer. So there goes any extra time during the work day to get things done. After work, I have my part-time, school work and my kids. One bright moment, something that I have to look forward to, is that school will be over in a year (2/5/2014). I’m looking so forward to that. Last year around this time I wasn’t in school and I had a lot more time and I was so happy. Just thinking about it encourages me to keep going for another year because it will soon be over.

I’ve had 4 programming classes in a row. I think that has thrown off my writing also. Before that, I was doing a lot of writing for class. My next class will have a lot of writing.

In the meantime, during my no writing time, I’ve been still getting in some reading. Well, it’s not really reading it’s more like listening. I listen to audiobooks while I’m working. It helps me get through the day at work and helps me stay focused on the tasks at hand. It also allows me to block out everything that’s going on around me so that I don’t get distracted. I’ve been doing this for years and it helps a lot.
Okay, have a lot to do so I need to get back to it.

Hopefully it won’t be another month before I post something again.

I really miss my blogging family!

The Plan (Was) Is To…

The plan was is to: blog more often. Although I’ve blogged more on this site than my others, it’s still not as often as I’d like.

The plan was is to: have my first book, a compilation of short stories, ready for e-book by March. I still have yet to get the first story written.

The plan was is to: travel more this year than last year. I went 8 places last year. I have say that it’s only 11 days into the year and I already have trips scheduled for January, February, March, April and July. Still working on May, August and September. Unfortunately, we aren’t allowed to take any days off October – December this year because of our big opening.

The plan was is to: start to seriously consider getting married. Well, we start premarital classes at the church at the end of this month.

The plan was is to: use my God-given gifts to better serve Him. I will be working on the church website and sprucing it up as well as helping with the church’s social media.

We all make plans but unfortunately plans may not turn out the way we want them to. However, the good thing is that we can always re-work a plan to fit our current situations. A plan truly never fails until you stop working it.

Write Your Plan! Work Your Plan!